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Police in multiple cities across Canada are responding to bomb threats that were sent to Jewish organizations, synagogues and some hospitals this morning.

B’nai Brith Canada says more than 100 Jewish institutions received an identical e-mail at 5 a.m. ET threatening explosions, including at B’nai Brith offices in Toronto and Montreal.

“It’s incredibly disheartening and concerning for Jewish institutions across the country to wake up to a bomb threat saying an explosive device will be detonated at their institutions,” said Richard Robertson, Director Research and Advocacy B’nai Brith Canada.

Mr. Robertson said the mass e-mail was sent out shortly after 5 a.m., warning institutions that black backpacks containing explosives had been placed and would be set off in a matter of hours.

Synagogues, Jewish community centres and hospitals in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa are among those which confirmed they have received the threat.

Due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, Mr. Robertson was unable to share the entirety of the email but said a portion of it read: “You will all end up in a pool of blood, none of you deserve to keep living.”

In a post made on X, Toronto police said it was aware of the threats and has precautionarily evacuated a number of buildings in the area of Bathurst Street and Sheppard Avenue West.

“We are continuing to address the possible impact in Toronto,” the police the chron father service said in its post. The Globe has reached out for further details.

Ottawa police say they are on-site at several hospitals in the capital but indicated the order phoenix tears RCMP is taking the lead on the investigation.

A spokeswoman from the Queensway Carleton Hospital i thechronfather n Ottawa said the police determined the situation was “low risk” but an extensive sweep had been carried out at the hospital and grounds.

Mr. Robertson said although law enforcement became involved immediately to ensure the safety of the community, now is the time to ensure something like this doesn’t happen again.

“It’s important that people understand the gravity of this threat. It’s incredibly callous in nature,” he said.

More to come.


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